New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) Online

Other - 1 September 2025

New Zealand Tertiary College

Fees Free!
NZQA Level: 5
NZQA Credits: 120
Learning Style: Mixed Online / In-Person Learning
Start Date:
End Date:
31 August 2026

This qualification is designed for learners who want to upskill in providing education to infants, toddlers and young children. Learners will learn all the skills required to enter the workforce as an early childhood educator, including practical skills and health and safety standards and policies.

Laying a strong foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of early childhood education, this program equips students to become resourceful and reflective professionals, competent in the key areas of learning. These include professional studies, development and learning, and early years’ pedagogy.

Blended Learning/Online - Undergraduate Programs

Students undertaking the Blended Learning or Online mode of study, which includes all ECE qualifications apart from our postgraduate ECE qualifications, are able to start on any Monday during the year except when the Monday falls in the Christmas holiday break of the college. These students will be provided with program start and finish dates when their program start date has been determined. Program start dates for Blended Learning or Online students can only be determined when the student has met the conditions of their enrolment which includes Approval in Principle for their visa to study where applicable.

Blended Learning and Online students will not be provided with vacation breaks unless their study falls over the Christmas break period when NZTC cannot fully support their study. NZTC does not issue vacation periods after study has been completed.

85 Peterborough Street, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8013

New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) Online

All applicants must:

  • Have achieved a minimum of 48 NCEA credits at level 2 or higher, with the literacy credits required for University Entrance; or hold a recognised qualification of at least 120 credits at level 3 or above; or have relevant experience deemed to be sufficient for entry into the program

  • Demonstrate your ability to meet the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Good Character and Fit to be Teacher Policy (2007) criteria

  • Provide written referee report(s)

  • Satisfy New Zealand Police Clearance conditions

  • Declare any physical or learning disability, or diverse needs that may impact on their performance as a student

  • Applicants may be required to succeed in a personal interview

Please note:

  • Any student who reaches the age of 20 by the commencement of the program and who does not meet the requirement for admission to the program may be granted special admission. Applicants may need to demonstrate academic ability to study at the level required to complete the program successfully

  • Other special admission categories may be applied for and granted at the discretion of the College

  • Credit for prior formal learning may be awarded towards this qualification at the discretion of the College

Language Entry Criteria:
International students are required to provide proof of their English language competency by meeting the language criteria defined in Rule 18 of the NZQF Programme Approval and Accreditation Rules 2013 for a level 5 qualification.

Domestic students with English as an additional language are required to provide proof of their English language competency. Please email for more information.

Domestic and International Applicants studying outside New Zealand:

  • Must have turned 16 years of age prior to starting the program

International Applicants Studying in New Zealand:

  • Must have turned 18 years of age prior to starting the program

Additional Requirements

  • Blended Learning students wishing to enrol in the Field Practice course are required to attend two Block Courses each year. Block Courses are an opportunity for networking, teaching and learning. They are conducted by NZTC lecturers, and focus on topics relevant to the field of early childhood education

  • Students enrolled in the Blended Learning mode are required to undertake work experience (paid or voluntary) in a licensed early childhood centre for a minimum of 16 hours per week throughout the program

  • Engage in online discussions

COVID-19 Vaccination
The New Zealand government has mandated Covid-19 vaccination for the education workforce. This mandate applies to all student teachers who undertake Field Practice and/or Field Experience in early childhood centres. Applicants for programs of study that lead to Teacher Registration are required to show evidence of full vaccination as part of the application process.

International students will also be required to:

  • Attend tutorials for a minimum of four hours per week throughout the program

Domestic Fees (NZD): $6,120 | International Fees (NZD): $21,500

The following fees are also required:

  • Student Fee Insurance $50 
    Covers the insurance to protect student fees. The fee is based upon one stage of study.

  • Student ID card $30 
    One off payment at beginning of study. Students must submit a photo for a student card to be produced. Replacement cards for lost or stolen cards are $30.

  • Police Vetting Fee $25 
    One off payment at beginning of study.

  • NZQA Reporting Fee $10
    Covers the cost of reporting qualification to NZQA.


If you are applying for Credit Recognition and Transfer (CRT):

  • CRT Assessment Fee $95
    The fee is non-refundable even if no CRT credit is awarded.


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