Hairdressing Courses

Are you wondering how to become a hairdresser or stylist? You’ve come to the right place! Completing a hairdressing course or qualification is the best way to kickstart a career as a hairdresser or stylist. When you study hair, you will learn the ins and outs of a range of techniques like blow-waving and setting, long-hair styling, scissor and razor cutting, as well as foil and coloring techniques. 

The good thing about studying hair is that qualifications tend to start at Level 2, meaning there are plenty of hairdressing courses for beginners. You can move up from Level 2 into a Level 3 or 4 qualification which will teach you more advanced techniques as well as give you the skills you need to set up a promote a small hair business online. 

More about hairdressing

A lot of students are drawn to hairdressing for the self-employment opportunities it provides. You could go on to run your own salon, or even set up a small business operated out of your own home. With fees-free studies available to a lot of New Zealanders, you may even find you can study hairdressing for free, or at little cost. 


  • Apprentice hairdressers will receive a training wage. 

  • Once qualified you will earn at least minimum wage, moving up to $65,000 per year with experience and a good client base.

  • Highly skilled hairdressers can earn upwards of $100,000 per year. 


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