Animation Courses

If you love drawing, animation could be the perfect career for you. There is a range of 2D & 3D animation courses that will teach you how to bring your ideas to life and captivate audiences with your own personal combination of fantasy and reality. 

Learn techniques in character modelling, rigging and character animation, and use dynamics and particles, with cloth and fluid simulations, to achieve impressive visual effects. With sophisticated lighting and rendering techniques, create work with a professional polish.

You’ll use industry-based processes throughout the year, from creating conceptual artwork and storyboards to building a showreel that reflects your talent and skills.


More about animation

Animators and digital artists use software, models, photography and drawings to create still and moving images for advertisements, film, print, web or television.

There is a shortage of experienced and talented animators/digital artists. They are in demand from animation, advertising and design companies in New Zealand and overseas.

Also in high demand are animators/digital artists with technical skills in coding and computer software, game development, simulation and rendering research, technical directing, rigging and lighting. Animators who can work as producers managing staff or workflows, or have marketing skills are also needed.

Animators/digital artists who combine their animation qualification with computer software development training can increase their chances of finding work.

Multimedia specialist (film animator) appears on Immigration New Zealand's long-term skill shortage list. This means the Government is actively encouraging skilled animators/digital artists from overseas to work in New Zealand.


Day to day

Animators/digital artists may do some or all of the following:

  • meet with directors, clients or employers and agree on a brief (work plan)

  • plan animation and design work for their team

  • illustrate books and other print media

  • build models, puppets or sets, or hand-draw or paint characters, and give them skin surfaces with texture and colour

  • film models and hand-drawn animations

  • create 3D mesh wireframes to produce backdrops for 2D and 3D animation scenes

  • use computer programmes to "rig" characters, giving them skeletons that allow them to be animated

  • use computer animation programmes to animate characters and objects in 2D or 3D

  • direct the filming of motion capture (recording physical movements that are then translated into digital images)

  • be involved in hiring and managing staff.


Pay for animators/digital artists varies depending on skills, experience and the type of work they do.

  • Graduate animators usually start on minimum wage.

  • 2D animators/digital artists usually earn between $21 and $50 an hour.

  • 3D animators/digital artists can earn between $21 and $75 an hour.

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