Tarsha Reti - Beauty & Body Essentials Level 4; Professional Face, Body & Spa Therapies Level 5

23 September 2021
Tarsha Reti - Beauty & Body Essentials Level 4; Professional Face, Body & Spa Therapies Level 5

Did you always want to be in the beauty industry?

I was always attracted to the beauty arena in general. From shaping brows and watching make-up tutorials, to trying to figure out what was best for my skin at a young age

Why did you choose a course at Elite?

I chose to undertake the course at Elite because I felt the programme would help me make a career out of something I really enjoyed. So I knew I needed to start at the best institute for Beauty Therapy in New Zealand, and that is Elite!

How has your course at Elite helped you in your current role or career?

Elite has nurtured me into the beauty therapist I am today. I feel that I am well equipped and confident to go out on my own into the industry

Have you won any awards or been selected as a finalist for any competitions? How did you feel?

I was awarded the ‘Top Beautician 2018’ for Elite at the Queen Street campus. I was beyond shocked, and at that moment I realised that Elite had seen more in me than I had seen in myself. It was such an amazing feeling and really helped to grow my confidence.

Where are you working now? And what is your role?

I am currently working at the Caci Clinic Pukekohe, as a Skin Technician

What does your work involve?

My role mostly involves providing clients with high quality facials and laser hair removal treatments (VPL).

What is the most exciting aspect of your job?

The most exciting part of my job is getting to meet new people every day, and building a relationship with clients where they learn to trust you, when taking care of them and providing their treatments. Also, when clients give good feedback about their treatment, it really lifts you up and motivates you to push forward and uplift others!

Did your course at Elite live up to your expectations?

Definitely! There were also times when Elite went above and beyond for me and I couldn’t be more grateful.

What were the highlights of your course?

Highlights for me were getting to know my trainers and absorbing all the information and advice they had to offer. And also getting to meet new therapists that are now close friends thanks to Elite

What is one of the lessons you’ve learnt through your experience to date?

One important lesson that I have experienced since being in the industry is to always be on your top game. Learn as much as you can, while you can, and never take anything for granted.


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