Shiree Robertson-Kingi – Founder of Createdskin Studio

23 September 2021
Shiree Robertson-Kingi – Founder of Createdskin Studio

In 2003, Shiree Robertson-Kingi trained as a beauty therapist at the Elite School of Beauty and Spa in Whangarei – graduating with a CIBTAC certification in aesthetics treatments and epilation.

Being a mature learner with two children and a baby on the way did not stop Shiree from entering study and reaching her dreams.

She is now the founder of Createdskin Studio in Carterton, focusing on holistic skin treatment therapy which utilises advanced modalities and ingredients.

“Your skin is the first companion you’re born with – and the last you leave this earth with.”

This philosophy is the foundation for which Shiree builds her holistic skincare practice: helping people nourish, safeguard and nurture one of the body’s greatest protectors and kaitiaki (guardians).

When you first meet Shiree, you’re struck by two things: her effervescent personality, and her encyclopaedic knowledge of the largest organ in the human body.

She is passionate about helping clients feel “happy in their skin”: using organic plant-based, clinical skincare and bio available skin nutrition boosters.

“I encourage upcoming graduates to get to know which parts you love most within the industry and study those treatments and the science and technologies behind them. Have treatments and purchase products so you know how it feels to be on the other side as a client. Tap your cells and awaken your mitochondria, be pumped!”

Shiree is currently developing a skin health pilot program with a high school.

Her next goal is to develop skin self-help tools via social media platforms to reach people who can’t afford skin treatments and products.

Read her full story in the Wairarapa Times-Age.


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