Santarna Smith - Employment Success

16 June 2019
Santarna Smith - Employment Success

Why did you choose a course at NZST?

I had heard great things from previous students who came to visit my High School, that I thought it sounded like a really good career path for me.

How has your course at NZST helped you in your current role or career?  

I am now in a job that I love surrounded by other great employees, and I am about to get a leadership position only four months into my employment.

Where are you working now?  And what is your role?

I’m working at the Hermitage Hotel at Mount Cook, as a Barista.

What does your work involve?

Making coffee, interacting with all types of customers from all around the world.

What is the most exciting aspect of your job? 

Learning different languages as I am working with people from all over the world.

Did your course at NZST live up to your expectations? 

Yes and definitely exceeded them.

What were the highlights of your course?

Having trainers that kept me excited about entering the tourism work force.

What is one of the lessons you’ve learnt through your experience to date?

That even though times will get tough when studying, there is always going to be something great on the other side waiting for you.


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