Rebekah Belworthy - Beauty & Body Essentials Level 4; Professional Face, Body & Spa Therapies Level 5

23 September 2021
Rebekah Belworthy - Beauty & Body Essentials Level 4; Professional Face, Body & Spa Therapies Level 5

Did you always want to be in the production makeup industry?

I really didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew it needed to be hands-on, creative and something that would help people. 

Why did you choose a course at Elite?

I came to the Open Day at the Elite campus, and after looking around, I decided that this was what I wanted to do, so I signed up right then and there!

How has your course at Elite helped you in your current role or career?

It has given me the tools I need to be able to do treatments confidently and professionally. Also the good reputation of the school means that potential employers know I will be well trained. 

Have you won any awards or been selected as a finalist for any competitions?

I was awarded as the Top Beautician of the Year at Wellington Campus Graduation in 2018.

Where are you working now? And what is your role?

I am about to start my new role at Ragdale Hall, but currently I’m working at the Wellington Elite campus as the receptionist, and have some exciting possibilities in the pipeline. 

Did your course at Elite live up to your expectations?

I didn’t really have any expectations as I wasn’t really entirely sure of everything I would be learning. But I’ve certainly made memories here, and met amazing people that have changed my life for the better. 

What were the highlights of your course?

I would definitely say that the people were great, and graduation was so fun. I really enjoyed all the things we learnt such as the anatomy and physiology side, but I also really enjoyed the practical side as well.

What is one of the lessons you’ve learnt through your experience to date?

I’ve learnt how to be more patient and I’ve learnt I have a lot more confidence than I thought I did!


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