Kxzandra Mauleon - Flight Attending Level 4, Diploma Tourism and Travel Management, Level 5

5 December 2019
Kxzandra Mauleon - Flight Attending Level 4, Diploma Tourism and Travel Management, Level 5

What course did you complete? When? 

Flight Attending Level 4 in 2017, then I decided to carry on with Diploma Tourism and Travel Management, Level 5


NZST Dunedin

Current student or Graduate? 

Graduate early 2019

Why did you choose a course at NZST?

I chose NZST Dunedin because it offered me what I wanted to do.  I was really interested in Flight Attending and I thought it would also be nice to carry on with a Diploma to earn more qualifications.  I believe that this will help me in the future to get the job that I want, which is Flight Attending or a management position.

How has your course at NZST helped you in your current role or career?

NZST has helped me develop and gain new skills. Skills like basic accounting and marketing. It’s helped me a lot with my current role, as a Sales Consultant. I am able to sell products with a lot of knowledge, and I can confidently say that I am able to meet our customers’ needs.

Where are you working now?  And what is your role?

I am currently working in Milford Sound.  It’s such an amazing work place.  Every day we wake up to a beautiful view. Milford Sound is a self-proclaimed the 8th Wonder of the World. I am working in the Blue Duck Café, which serves refreshments but we also do bookings.

What does your work involve?

I am a master of most trades!  Sometimes I’m making coffee as I used to be a barista, but most of the time I work on the Information desk which involves giving information to the guests and booking activities, accommodation and transportation.

What is the most exciting aspect of your job? 

The most exciting part of my job is meeting new people every day. Getting to try the activities such as scenic flights, cruises, kayaking and more. My contract was only fixed term but since I love the place so much and they like my work performance Southern Discoveries has changed my contract into a permanent one.

What were the highlights of your NZST course?

My highlights while I was still studying at NZST were making new friends, learning about tourism products, asking our trainer questions whenever I was struggling or going to the campus manager’s office to tell him about my future plans.

What is one of the lessons you’ve learnt through your experience to date?

I’ve learned a lot of lessons from NZST that has helped me, particularly on my current job.  But the most important lesson is that I choose NZST, and it is probably the best decision I’ve ever made.


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