Brooke Taylor - "New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy Level 5

23 September 2021
Brooke Taylor - "New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy Level 5

Did you always want to be in the beauty industry?

As a teenager I was always very interested in the beauty industry. After finishing high school I studied Makeup and worked for Napoleon Perdis, which was a fantastic experience. I loved working with such a wide range of clients across special occasion makeup, editorial makeup and runway shows. I soon came to the conclusion that even the best makeup won’t sit well on skin that hasn’t been looked after. This inspired me to study Beauty Therapy! 

Why did you choose a course at Elite?

I wanted to study with the best.

How has your course at Elite helped you in your current role or career?

Studying the anatomy component has helped me so much with my current role in training. The wide range of therapies covered has also been a massive help. Learning from some of the best was such a rewarding experience. The Aromatherapy component has helped me massively with working as a sales rep and trainer for wellbeing brands such as Aromatherapy Associates, who have won best global spa brand for the second year in a row!

Where are you working now? And what is your role?

I am working for the Self Care Group as a Brand Ambassador, Sales Representative and Trainer. I look after the north island of New Zealand. 

What does your work involve?

A mixture of helping businesses across the north island grow, education, promotional work and helping market our amazing brands. I also work one day a week in the beautiful More Than Skin Ponsonby spa to keep my hands across the practical side. I love my day in the spa - it feels like a time out for me to look after our amazing clients.

What is the most exciting aspect of your job?

Meeting new people, learning about new products, technologies and treatments. This industry is forever changing and we are constantly learning and growing. 

Did your course at Elite live up to your expectations?

Looking back it has exceeded my expectations.

What were the highlights of your course?

Studying “Spa” therapies and anatomy. Meeting amazing people, and learning what path I wanted to take with beauty therapy. Connections help introduce you to so many pathways within the industry. 

What is one of the lessons you’ve learnt through your experience to date?

Revision and study! We are given so many opportunities to grow and learn, however we only retain 10% from training. Having the knowledge we have access to is truly amazing. Seeking further education and knowledge will open so many doors! Being your own beauty expert will make you stand out from the rest.


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